
12:30 PM 2:00 PM

For over 20 years, thousands of people worldwide gather on the last Saturday of every April to celebrate International Tai Chi and Qigong day. The motto of the event - One World, One Breath - reminds us how all interconnected we are. Citizens of the same planet breathing the same breath. We are all connected by the field of life energy - Qi - that scientists are now discovering permeates all existence.

Our event will go on from 1pm to 2:30pm

12:30pm Welcome

12:45pm Follow along Qigong class

1:15pm Healthy pause - Q&A

1:45pm Closing Qigong Meditation

No experience necessary.  Everyone is welcome.
Registration at www.mindfulessence.net or call 385.302.6490


6:00 PM 9:00 PM

Join us for a lively evening of food, fun, and friendship. Come and bring a dish to share, Vegetarian food preferred. Sign up sheet available on the SLBF website soon.

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