

Qigong pronounced (chee gung) means energy cultivation. This class is a mind-body moving meditation that combines gentle, flowing movements with stretching, conscious breathing, and self-massage.  Benefits include improving your balance and posture. Decreasing stress with present moment awareness—giving you clarity, and a sense of peace to continue with your day. No experience necessary. Everyone is welcome.

New students your first class is $11. Drop-in class $17. OR purchase 5 classes $70

Pay via Venmo @ Toni-Lock or cash
Questions? Text 801/971.7537


Lucy's Restorative Yoga is a style that encourages physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It is appropriate for all levels from beginners to advanced practitioners. It is practiced at a slow pace, focusing on long holds in relaxing poses often, supported by props, such as bolsters, blocks, and folded blankets. Restorative practice is mostly non-weight-bearing and uses stillness, deep breathing and some meditative qualities. Each year more and more research confirms the benefits for stress reduction, physiological improvements, and heightened well-being.

10 pass cards $150.  Drop-ins welcome, $20.  Venmo @lightonlucy    Questions? Text: 801-450-3537